
As a recovering perfectionist, I was never enough.

And I was terrified of failing, so I got in my own way and often wouldn’t even try.
I wouldn’t speak up for myself when I was overlooked because I wasn’t enough.

I couldn’t take a compliment when I played a solid piano recital or got a good grade because I always believed there was more that I could do. I could do better. That other girl played WAY better than me anyway.

Feeling like you are not enough is the equivalent to not accepting and loving yourself. 

Nothing you do is ever good enough. No mountain is high enough because you are always looking to the next mountain to climb, even when you reach the top of the first mountain!
[That mountain analogy came from a conversation about enough-ness with a very dear friend of mine – she came up with it, and I just love it.]

If you are struggling with “not enough-ness” there is probably some lack of self-acceptance and self-love stuff going on. 

And it really doesn’t take a whole lot or even a long time to move through it. It does require acknowledging your state of enough-ness.

You’re never going to believe you are enough just because people tell you so – YOU have to believe it so.

What is enough? What does it feel like to FEEL LIKE ENOUGH?
I’d love to share with you what it means and feels like to me…
It feels like right in this moment all that I have done and all that I am – I accept.
It feels like peace.
It feels like unconditional love.
It feels like my shoulders soften and my heart opens.
It feels like a gentle cry.
It feels like accepting and loving me no matter how hard I fall.

Enough feels like total freaking freedom.

What does enough feel like to you?

Please share this with someone who needs to hear these words.

With Love,


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